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The Battle of Messines Road
‘My war was a good war, as was the next one. Your father’s is a bad one. But in the end it makes no difference. It’s all war. It’s always the same.’ A man at the end of his life, trying to make sense..
Publisher/Supplier: Willsonscott
Model: BOMR
ISBN: 9781877427572
Author: JK & WJ Moloney
Stock Status: Instock
Product Quantity: 906
Views: 45639
Sales: 107
Date Available: 2015-05-20
Weight: 1kg
Dimensions (L x W x H): 16 x 24 x 3 cm
Rating: 5
Review(s): 1
Requires Shipping: Yes
Ex Tax: NZ$26.04
Based on 1 reviews.

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